How to grow plantable pens | Learn how to plant and grow your pens!

How to grow plantable pens | Learn how to plant and grow your pens!

What Are Plantable Pens?

Our plantable pens are designed with sustainability in mind. They work just like regular pens, but instead of being thrown away when empty, they can be planted to sprout new life. The outer casing of the pen is made from biodegradable seed paper, and the cap is filled with seeds that will grow when given the right conditions. 

Step-by-Step Guide to Growing Your Plantable Pen

  • Use the Pen First – Write with the pen as usual until its ink has ran out. The seeds are at the end of the pen under the cap! There is no need to remove the cap, as our caps our biodegradable. 


  • Prepare a Pot or Garden Spot – Fill a small pot with moist soil or choose a garden area with good sunlight.


  • Plant the Seed Capsule – Insert the seed end of the pen into the soil about 1–2 cm deep.


  • Water Regularly – Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged.


  • Give It Sunlight – Place the pot in a sunny spot for the best germination results.


  • Watch It Grow! – In a few days to weeks, your plant should start sprouting. Keep caring for it, and enjoy your eco-friendly gift turning into greenery!

Caring for Your Growing Plants

  • Keep the soil moist – Especially in the early stages of growth.

  • Provide sunlight – Make sure your seedlings get the light they need to thrive.

  • Be patientDifferent seeds germinate at different speeds, so don’t worry if yours take a little longer.

Why Choose Plantable Pens?

By choosing plantable pens, you’re helping to reduce waste while adding a little extra greenery to the planet. Instead of disposable plastic pens ending up in landfill, you can enjoy the beauty of flowers or the taste of fresh herbs—all from a simple writing tool!

So next time your pen runs out, don’t throw it away—plant it, nurture it, and watch it grow!

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